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Price :
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  • Model: EX10SW69PD
  • Shipping Weight: 0.005lbs
  • 43 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Assorted Pill Vendors


Sweeten 69 12 Count Display. Colorful point of purchase POP display with a colorful header. Counter top cardboard display contains 12 count 2 packs of Sweeten 69. 2 chewable tablets. 2 servings. Better tasting oral foreplay for him and hers. Best when shared with a friend. Sweetener is not just for coffee and tea. Sweeten 69 uses ingredients like pineapple, bee pollen and royal jelly to sweeten the taste of male ejaculation and female secretions. Share these chewable tablets with a friend and sex will taste so sweet. Features: secretion sweetener. Last longer during foreplay. Your bodily fluids will taste a bit more tasty and will help eliminate unwanted odors. People who take Sweeten 69 report more satisfying oral sex. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Oral sex enhancement. Categories: Valentines Day, Sex Pills, Flavored, Oral Products. Beamonstar Products Inc. San Francisco, California 94111. 2024.