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Price :
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  • Model: KHEBGC74
  • 82 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Kheper Games


Kheper Games, Inc. is proud to release its newest adult party/sex game, Strip Poker.Strip Poker is a campy, fun set of playing cards to be used for poker games. The jokers areplayful strippers, with a male stripper pulling handkerchiefs out of the front hole of his boxers,and the female joker is squirting a patron with a flower squirting toy. The kings are malestrippers with normal king faces, and similarly the queens are female strippers. Jacks are patronsenjoying themselves a little too much.The request for a strip poker game came out of our X-BIZ Cabo meetings, explains CEO BrianPellham. We thought it would be a fun and hilarious way to take the old-style poker face cardsand joker, and make them naughtier.Strip Poker contains a standard poker deck with custom artwork. Any game you would playwith a regular poker deck, could also be played with this deck. It is a follow up to the successfulline of Sex Toy Themed and Cocktail Themed Playing cards.