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Price :
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  • Model: HOSFFD01
  • Shipping Weight: 0.55lbs
  • 42 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: HOTT Products


Spencer Fleetwood Penis Pasta made from the finest wheat from Hott Products Unlimited. Sure, these penises might look small at first, but drop them in some hot water and watch them grow. They will become so plump and firm, that you will not be able to help but nibble on them! Penis pasta, one of the greatest adult novelty foods, makes the perfect party dish. How about penis pasta salad? Or penises with meatballs? What a combination! Package contains 7.01 ounces. 100% Finest Durum Wheat. Categories: Party Games, Gifts, Supplies, Adult Candy and Erotic Foods, For the Bachelorette Party. 2023.