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  • Model: CREUSSMTS
  • Shipping Weight: 1.015lbs
  • 21 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Creative Conceptions


Sex Marks The Spot Game for Creative Conceptions. The Ultimate Pleasure Map! Sex Marks The Spot is a game of chance where all roads lead to romance and raunchiness! Navigate across a grid loaded with erotic surprises and sexy suggestions, picking up X's and Ooohh's in a quest to unlock your favourite fantasy, ahead of your partner's. Each square reveals a little more, as you explore each other like never before. The prospect of an orgasmic finale is on the cards for the winner, in a game where Pleasure is the ultimate treasure. Game includes:30 Forfeit Cards - 180 sexy challenges spread over 6 categories. 30 Sex Cards - sexy scenarios for steamy in-game action! 50 Score Sheets in pad. The key to your hidden pleasure! 2 Sexcuse Me Cards - special tokens to avoid or reverse a sticky situation. 4 Sex It Up Markers - to create in-game portals of pleasure. 1 Fold Out Game Board - the pleasure map to navigate your naughtiness. 2 Playing Counters. 2 8 Sided Dice. 1 how to play Guide. The Ultimate Pleasure Map! Sex Marks the Spot is a game of chance where all roads lead to romance and raunchiness! Navigate across a grid loaded with erotic surprises and sexy suggestions, picking up X's and Ooohh's in a quest to unlock your favorite fantasy, ahead of your partner's. Each square reveals a little more, as you explore each other like never before. The prospect of an orgasmic finale is on the cards for the winner, in a game where Pleasure is the ultimate treasure. Categories: Sextoys for Couples, X-Rated Adult Games, Books, Adult Games and Music, Adult Party Games. Restricted, Amazon Restricted. 2023.