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Price :
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  • Model: SPF21
  • Shipping Weight: 0.16lbs
  • 19 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Spartacus


Endurance Nipple Clamps with Link Chain. Focus pain and pleasure when you try out this simple but erotically effective nipple clamp chain combo. Made of two strong rubber-tipped endurance style clamps, the central chain is lightweight enough for extended wear, but with just the right amount of heft for arousal. Endurance clamps have a tight hold and are best suited to experienced nipple clamp enthusiasts. The perfect way to enhance BDSM and kink play, the clamps remain taut with a central spring design, and are not adjustable. Color: Black, Silver Type: Nipple Clamps Material: Metal Type: Endurance Special Features: Connecting Chain. Spartacus A Passion for Quality Catalog page 11.